Staying Active During the Winter


Shorter days and colder temperatures can leave many to stay cooped up indoors and be less active. For seniors, winter can be risky with being less mobile. In the winter months, getting regular activity can lessen the winter blues and elevate energy and mood levels. There are great benefits to being active. From helping control the effects of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure to maintaining muscle and flexibility as we age- you can make a difference by being active for just 30 minutes a day.

As a reminder, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime.

If you enjoy walking or swimming, the simple solution is to relocate during the colder months. Visit a climate-controlled environment, such as the mall, to get your walking in. It is common for malls to unlock their doors one hour before the stores open. This is a great opportunity to walk without the crowds you often find at the mall.

Swimming and water aerobics can remain on your daily activities by finding an indoor pool. Many private gyms offer a senior discount. Health clubs and many YMCA locations also feature an indoor pool.

There are great senior workout videos on the internet that you can workout with that are low-impact. From Pilates, yoga, stretching to walking cardio workouts, you can exercise in the comfort of your home.

The social benefits of winter activities can be just as valuable as the physical benefits. Being around others and having fun with others is an important part of fighting seasonal loneliness and depression. The winter season can be a great time to make a new friend, pursue further education on the computer or find a new hobby.

Every activity counts in your quest to becoming strong in body and in mind. With some creativity and positivity, you can make the winter season a time of making new friends and participating in new activities.

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